The story behind Zen Music

 welcome, I’m Sterling.

Music teacher, tea-fanatic, and cat-parent living in California. I help people create their own healing self-care practice by learning instruments and making music.

Here's my musical journey +

It's been more than four years since I've been teaching music lessons as my full time job!

I still remember telling my mother I would always play piano, because it is a part of me. Junior high was about the time I really started to explore making my own music and expressing my emotions through that. When I realized in high school that I could serve/minister to people through my music, I knew I had found my calling. I just didn't know what exactly that would look like yet.

I went to Biola University’s Music Conservatory and graduated with a Bachelors of Science in Music in Worship, Piano. That was back when I was fundamentalist/evangelical Christian and thought I was going to be a worship pastor. Several panic attacks later, I realized leading a congregation in worship was not in fact my calling.

Even so, music was my solace. When I felt confused, overwhelmed, or lost, music centered me. Music brought me friends and connections, including my husband (he also studied music at the same conservatory). Singing in choirs and playing in bands is the best form of community I have known in life. But music also was exceedingly personal, and those lonely nights in practice rooms are treasured moments in my memory because of how music filled the space around and in me with love and light.

The story behind Zen Music +

My piano teacher in college was Dr Boespflug, the head of the music conservatory. He would always check in with me about my anxiety and mental health, which made me feel he cared about me as a whole human and not just a performer.

One thing he told me that I'll never forget ended up being the story behind the name of this music business. He said to me, "you are the most able to be zen at the piano bench of anyone I have ever seen." That compliment was a lightbulb to me, helping me better understand my relationship with music.

I want to share with you a little bit of how I embody and create that zen, and teach you how to do the same for yourself.

“Sterling is AMAZING! My son took lessons for a short time (from another instructor) previously, but he took a long break. We had our first lesson with Sterling tonight, and I cannot speak of them highly enough. They were so focused and patient, and they taught him in one night perhaps more than he had learned in a year of lessons before!”

– Sarah Edwards

A few fun facts about me 

  • I grew up in Oregon, but I've officially lived in California since 2015.

  • I have a cat named KitKat.

  • I used to sell tea, and still love a good cup of matcha.

  • I collect crystals for their metaphysical meanings… and because they're shiny pretties!

  • I'm a pansexual nonbinary witch.

  • I want all my students to feel safe to be themselves.

Ready to experience the healing power of music?